Cannabis is riding a wave of popularity at the moment with marijuana legalization sweeping across the country. If you or someone you know is suffering from some form of depression, pain, or anxiety, chances are that a cannabis-derived product has been recommended as an alternative treatment option.
While Marijuana may not be legal in your state, there is a difference. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the part of the Marijuana responsible for the ‘high’ that users experience. For those that do not want this feeling of euphoria, are happy just with the medical benefits, or live in a state where Marijuana is illegal, Cannabidiol or CBD can help.
CBD can be helpful when combating the physical problems related to pain, anxiety, depression, or the side-effects of other medical treatments like chemotherapy.
Traditionally, the medical treatment for problems like depression and anxiety can include prescription medicines and benzodiazepines like Klonopin and Xanax. These anxiety medications can be addictive and misused with unwanted side effects. CBD is fast emerging as a viable option in this case. A study published in 2019 showed that CBD can potentially help treat anxiety.
An added benefit is that CBD is derived from Hemp and contains just minimal traces of THC. Therefore, more likely than not, it should be legal in most states.
To date, a bulk of the studies to support CBD’s positive effect on anxiety have been conducted on animal subjects. Human studies, while few, have also shown CBD to have an anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety benefit.
The question now is which form of CBD is best suited for anxiety-related problems?
CBD is available in multiple different products ranging from oils and sprays to edibles and smokables. It all boils down to the form that a user finds most convenient.
CBD is a great way to manage general anxiety and a number of users prefer to inhale vaporized CBD via a vaping pen. Vaping is perhaps the fastest way to feel the effects of CBD. This is especially important when it comes to fighting off a high-anxiety situation.
Typical users tend to smoke or vape CBD in small batches. A dose will usually be administered in the morning upon waking, at night before sleep, and intermittently during the day based on individual requirements. Users generally prefer a high-CBD, low-THC strain of the product that can be inhaled in intervals during the day. This process is known as micro-dosing.
Users that are legally prescribed the use of medical marijuana, for pain relief or related symptoms, can opt to mix a high-THC oil, for pain, with a high-CBD oil for anxiety. These users will also benefit from the anti-anxiety properties of CBD when dealing with some of the anxiety brought on by THC consumption.
That said, vaping comes with some other concerns that users should understand. These are specifically around the vaping liquid and the heating coils found within vaping pens. The long-term side effects of vaping are still under discussion, however, it should be called out that there may be some negative effects of vaping that may not be fully explored yet.
Taking CBD Orally
Oral sprays and CBD oils are growing in popularity with people preferring oils that can be applied directly under their tongue with a dropper. This method of consumption ensures that the CBD is absorbed quickly through the membranes and enters the bloodstream almost immediately.
Users tend to take a dose of CBD in the morning and before bed at night. Given its ease of use and quick effects, CBD oils are fast becoming the default option users turn to when an anxiety attack hits. Depending on individual requirements, users may also resort to CBD oils to counter acute pain.
CBD oils and oral sprays are also a convenient option for users that have trouble swallowing pills or capsules and may be allergic or unable to consume edibles in the form of gummies, etc.
CBD oils and oral sprays tend to retain a natural flavor that may be discouraging and unpalatable for some users. However, a number of CBD oils come with enhanced flavorings like peppermint and helps camouflage any ‘unpleasant’ taste.
Another option is to use CBD oil by mixing it in tea or a similar beverage. Some CBD oils can also be packaged as capsules or applied as topicals on the skin.
Gummies and similar edibles are one of the most sought-after ways to consume CBD. CBD-based gummies and candy are available in a wide range of flavors catering to the taste buds of almost all users.
In their fight against anxiety, users can opt to take 2-3 CBD gummies in the morning and before bed at night. Most users prefer gummies over other forms of CBD like smokables or oils because of its convenience and consistent dosing. There is no guesswork involved when it comes to figuring out the amount of CBD each gummy or candy contains.
Discreetness is another huge benefit of consuming CBD by way of edibles. Understandably using a dropper may look funny, but having candy while walking down the street or in a professional setting is not going to lead to any questions.
That said, CBD gummies and candy are not fast-acting as they need to be broken down by the digestive system before being absorbed by the body. Therefore, they may not be the best option when looking for immediate relief in an acute anxiety attack.
CBD products that are derived from Hemp and contain less than the prescribed .3 percent of THC are legal per federal law. However, certain state laws may still deem it illegal.
CBD products that are derived from Marijuana are illegal per federal law but remain legal under the laws of certain states.
It is advisable to check the appropriate state laws in case of travel. It is important to note that over-the-counter CBD products are not approved by the FDA.