2020 was a year steeped in uncertainty and 2021 is shaping up to be not much better. The one consistent aspect of these past months has been the growth and spread and of the COVID-19 virus and the global pandemic it has unleashed across the globe. COVID-19 or ‘Coronavirus’ has brought the healthcare and medical infrastructure of a number of countries to their knees with millions of citizens infected and succumbing to this dangerous disease.
It is possible that CBD can be the one secret ingredient that helps boost the immunity of users and deliver a sense of confidence and calm. CBD can help reduce anxiety and stress and maintain a strong immune system that encourages ongoing good health during these troubled times.
How Does CBD Support the Immune System
CBD’s entrance into the arena of medical science is relatively new given that hemp and cannabis were mostly prohibited in almost all capacities for decades. While cannabis continues to be a strictly controlled substance under US Federal law, a number of states have independently legalized its use in different forms. Additionally, the 2018 Farm Bill passed by Congress in December 2018 made hemp cultivation and hemp-based products legal at the federal level.
As a result, the consumption of CBD-based products has rapidly increased across the United States. Users opt to consume CBD oils in beverages like smoothies, teas, and coffees. They can also opt for edibles such as CBD gummies, topicals like CBD creams and salves, or CBD smokables. CBD products specifically aimed at pet care are also readily available in the market. The all-around application of CBD seems to be practically endless as an increasing number of benefits are being unearthed through ongoing medical research.
As is the case with most other consumer products, COVID-19 has negatively impacted the CBD market to an extent, CBD and Cannabidiol derived from hemp can have a positive impact on the virus and help combat some of the ill effects of COVID-19.
General Feeling of Being Unwell
Strong immunity is one of the foundation stones of a general feeling of wellbeing. However, people can still do everything right and still succumb to illness. Considering that COVID-19 is still relatively new and has taken the world by storm, one of the most identifiable symptoms of the virus is a feeling of fear and anxiety at falling ill.
Lack of sleep and anxiety are two of the most common contributing factors that hamper a person’s overall immunity. When a person worries about a serious global pandemic getting worse day by day, an increase in anxiety levels can increase the possibility of getting sick. Whether the anxiety is due to the state of the world, social distancing, mask-wearing, restrictions to movement, CBD can act as a great answer to the stress of daily life and is especially useful when looking for a feeling of calm in the middle of a global pandemic!
Persistent Cough and Sore Throat
While CBD has not been conclusively proven to help cough, sore throat, or asthma-related problems, hemp-based cannabidiol can help in reducing soreness and inflammation in the throat. Itchy and sore throat, barking cough, and irritation in the respiratory system are definite signs of COVID-19 but are also linked to asthma and common, seasonal allergies.
An increasing number of users rely on hemp-based CBD oils, tinctures, and oral sprays to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain in their throats. Therefore, it wouldn’t be a complete surprise if CBD can help in alleviating some of the inflammation, pain, and cough associated with COVID-19.
Dyspnea or Shortness of Breath
As is the case with persistent cough and sore throat, CBD does not directly help in reducing shortness of breath and feeling of breathlessness. However, hemp-based CBD does have a positive effect on a number of the body’s supporting functions like sleep patterns, appetite, a feeling of calm and immunity levels.
Coronavirus is known to enter the lungs and proceed to attach the body via the respiratory system. Therefore, CBD should only be considered to play a supplementary role to other, regular prescription medicines. Cannabidiol is known to help in relieving pain and reducing inflammation and together, this encourages higher immunity levels and a stronger body that is much more capable of dealing with strains of respiratory diseases.
Chills, Fever, Fatigue, Loss of Touch, Smell, and Taste
Congestion and fever are typical signs of the onset of a COVID-19 infection. Unfortunately, these symptoms are also those against which CBD is not known to be very effective. That said, when it comes to lethargy and acute fatigue brought about by COVID-19 hemp-based CBD has a considerable amount more to offer.
Cannabidiol is able to ease anxiety, encourage a feeling of calm, act as an energizing agent and boost attention and focus. As mentioned above, CBD is a great help when it comes to improving immunity levels which also helps in enhanced energy levels and wakefulness.
Soreness, Muscle Pain and Stiffness, Migraines, Headaches, Neck and Chest Pain, and Gastrointestinal Problems
While these are a lot of symptoms, they all fall squarely into the category of typical COVID-19 symptoms. Among all of these symptoms, hemp-based CBD is widely used for inflammation and pain. These can range from joint pain of arthritic patients, to muscle pain, to gastrointestinal swelling and nausea. CBD has fast evolved to become among the leading alternative remedies for these kinds of symptoms.
A big advantage that CBD has over regular pain medication and THC-based natural treatments is that CBD comes with very little to no side effects when consumed. Unlike THC, CBD has absolutely no psychoactive effects.
Counter COVID-19 with CBD
The question now is, can CBD eradicate the COVID-19 virus? Is CBD effective when it comes to protecting users from COVID-19? Unfortunately, there is no strict ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to this question. Without a doubt, hemp-based CBD has some pretty powerful anti-viral properties, is great for boosting the immune system, and can also counter a number of the extraneous symptoms usually associated with Coronavirus and other viral diseases.
Users that depend on CBD for helping reduce anxiety, improving sleep patterns, enhance focus, and get relief from inflammation and pain will benefit from improved mental and physical support and more optimal general health.
CBD products that are derived from Hemp and contain less than the prescribed .3 percent of THC are legal per federal law. However, certain state laws may still deem it illegal.
CBD products that are derived from Marijuana are illegal per federal law but remain legal under the laws of certain states.
It is advisable to check the appropriate state laws in case of travel. It is important to note that over-the-counter CBD products are not approved by the FDA.