Hemp and Cannabis is generating headlines given that it is now mostly legal to use for medical and recreational purposes. As a result, CBD oil has become an increasingly popular alternative for pain relief and other medical conditions.
A number of manufacturers have now started to include CBD oil into a variety of consumable products like coffee, edibles, creams, and topicals.
However, the downside is that the incredible growth in popularity has also led to a number of misconceptions that are half-truths or complete myths. Believing these misconceptions can be dangerous as they can lead to poor decision making especially in terms of consumption and dosage.
Here we list a few of them.
CBD from Medical Cannabis is Better Than Hemp-Based CBD
Irrespective of whether CBD is derived from the Hemp or Cannabis plant, the molecular structure remains the same. CBD is closely related to THC, the difference being, unlike THC, CBD does not have the psychoactive properties that lead to a ‘high’.
Hemp or Cannabis-based CBD impacts the human body’s endocannabinoid system. This leads to a number of side effects including a burst of energy, better pain management, and a clear mood uplift.
CBD Oils are All Similar
While it is true that the chemical compounds in both Cannabis and Hemp plants are almost completely identical, CBD oils that are extracted from two plants influence the overall molecular structure differently.
Therefore, different strains of oils are able to affect the body and mind in different ways. While some oils help in boosting energy and improving the brain’s capacity to respond to certain stimuli, others are more inclined towards relieving inflammation and pain.
If you’re looking for an alternate remedy to relax muscle spasms, a CBD oil with higher potency is your best bet. This is the reason why certain brands of CBD oils are targeted specifically towards users suffering from epilepsy.
CBD Can Bind to and Activate the Cannabinoid Receptors in the Body
While this misconception may not necessarily affect a user’s consumption of CBD, it does help understand how CBD is able to provide certain therapeutic benefits.
It is a widespread belief that CBD binds to the cannabinoid receptors in the body that regulates appetite, pain perception, and manages mood. Therefore, users believe that CBD successfully activates these messengers at the molecular level.
However, THC and not CBD is the compound that activates these receptors. In fact, the non-psychoactive properties of CBD fosters a natural production of endocannabinoids and limits the activity of targeted cannabinoid receptors only.
Therefore, CBD actually acts as a counterbalance to the high that THC produces, and instead leads to therapeutic benefits.
In Conclusion – There are Therapeutic Benefits of CBD, but it isn’t a Superfood
CBD is a non-psychoactive compound produced from both the marijuana and hemp plants. As the research stands today, CBD is very effective in easing anxiety, pain, and depression. It is also useful for those looking for a boost in mood. Certain CBD products are also good at reducing inflammation.
While not a super-food, CBD fast proving to be a great alternative medication that provides relief from pain and leads to a better quality of life.
CBD products that are derived from Hemp and contain less than the prescribed .3 percent of THC are legal per federal law. However, certain state laws may still deem it illegal.
CBD products that are derived from Marijuana are illegal per federal law but remain legal under the laws of certain states.
It is advisable to check the appropriate state laws in case of travel. It is important to note that over-the-counter CBD products are not approved by the FDA.